Reporting to Stakeholders

by accountingcpd

Does your current reporting take a sufficiently holistic approach? This course will make sure that you stay on top of key developments and trends to help you meet the changing expectations of both internal and external stakeholders.

price £75+vat
cpd hours 4 CPD hours
access 120 days' access

This course will enable you to

  • Identify the different needs of various stakeholder groups.
  • Stay ahead of the standard setters to anticipate financial reporting trends.
  • Identify trends in audit and how they may affect your accounting and reporting policies.
  • Develop non-financial reporting on issues such as carbon performance and sustainability.
  • Tell the story of your business to your stakeholders.

About the course

Finance teams must provide information to meet the developing needs and expectations of a variety of internal and external stakeholders. Some of this is governed by rules and standards like IFRS and local GAAP, but finance leaders need to look at the bigger picture and respond appropriately.

This course discusses how to balance the potential benefits gained from providing information, with the costs of collecting and presenting it. It will help you to futureproof your organisation's approach by covering some key financial reporting, audit and non-financial reporting trends. It also looks at how to provide context for your financial statements and forward-looking information to your stakeholders.

Look inside



  • Stakeholder needs
    • Are all stakeholders equal?
    • Shareholders
    • Trade creditors
    • Long-term creditors
    • Government
    • Internal versus external stakeholders
    • Internal stakeholders
  • Financial reporting trends
    • Trends
    • Integrated reporting
    • Integrated reporting
    • Risk reporting
    • Cost benefit analysis
    • Disclosures
    • Business combinations
  • Audit trends
    • Trends
    • Quality management issues
    • Quality management
    • Complexity and flexibility
    • Standard setting moves slowly
    • New ways of doing and reporting business
    • Sustainability reporting
  • Reporting on other matters
    • Integrated reporting
    • Seven guiding principles
    • Eight content elements
    • Presenting the content elements
    • The benefits of sustainability
    • Stakeholder theory and the triple bottom line
    • ESG standards
    • New reporting rules
    • Categories of measurement
    • Tools for calculating carbon emissions
    • Carbon footprint: top tips
  • Narrative reporting
    • The basics of narrative reporting
    • Why use narrative reporting?
    • The stakeholder perspective
    • Disclosures for risks and uncertainties
    • Defining value
    • Reporting on performance
    • Evaluating performance
    • Discussing performance in a meaningful way
    • The practicalities of narrative reporting
    • Enhancing credibility on the narrative report

How it works



This course has been written by the accountingcpd author team.



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Total CPD unitshourshours4 unitshourshours21 units20 hours21 hours800+ unitshourshours800+ unitshourshours
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Total CPD unitshourshours800+ unitshourshours
Access period12 months
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Total CPD unitshourshours4 unitshourshours
Access period120 days
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Access to this course
Total CPD unitshourshours21 units20 hours21 hours
Access period120 days
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Total CPD unitshourshours800+ unitshourshours
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All you need for this year and more.

Access to this course
Total CPD unitshourshours800+ unitshourshours
Access period12 months
Audit-proof CPD completion certificate
Immediate access to our entire CPD catalogue
Exclusive news and CPD every week plus monthly webinars, all year round
Account manager on hand to support your team's needs
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Need just a few unitshourshours?

Access to this course
Total CPD unitshourshours4 unitshourshours
Access period120 days
Audit-proof CPD completion certificate
Immediate access to our entire CPD catalogue
Exclusive news and CPD every week plus monthly webinars, all year round
Account manager on hand to support your team's needs

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All you need for this year's CPD.

Access to this course
Total CPD unitshourshours21 units20 hours21 hours
Access period120 days
Audit-proof CPD completion certificate
Immediate access to our entire CPD catalogue
Exclusive news and CPD every week plus monthly webinars, all year round
Account manager on hand to support your team's needs
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Keep your whole team up to date.

Access to this course
Total CPD unitshourshours800+ unitshourshours
Access period12+ months
Audit-proof CPD completion certificate
Immediate access to our entire CPD catalogue
Exclusive news and CPD every week plus monthly webinars, all year round
Account manager on hand to support your team's needs
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